May 31, 2008

Casper's BIG OUCH!

Hello everyone,

Yesterday Casper went for his BIG operation. He came home doped up and mom said he looks really stoned. HA HA. Well I tried to cheer him up but he was really grouchy AND didn't want to play at all. In fact he chased me out of the house when I tried to comfort him! What a grumpy bum. I got scolded by mom and dad for disturbing him. So now they are going to send me off to Aunty P's for a couple of days so that Casper has a couple of days of R & R.

The big ouch!

Tucked in and sleeping it off

Mom keeps taking photos with BIG BRIGHT flash when she should be leaving Casper alone!

Of course I need some attention too.
Alright, off to Aunty P's place now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there!

I'm Petey from New York City. I'm a Cairn Terrier and people ask my Mommy all the time if I'm a Westie (we even live in the West Village, so you can see why they'd assume.) Anyhow, Mommy always wonders if they think I'm a dirty Westie when I'm really a fairly clean Cairn (though those holes look divine!). I look like Casper in the "before bath" photo!

Come visit me!

Your pal (and practically cousin!),
