April 3, 2007

Progress Update on THAT Heart

Hello my friends,
Casper went for his final shot last weekend and Mr Vet checked his heart again. I was left behind *whinge whinge* so I couldn't ask Mr Vet all these questions that I had about my little brother. But the good news is, Mr Vet says that it appears that Casper has growing pains. His heartbeat sounds like it is levelling out, and the murmur is not as pronounced as it used to be. Mom and Dad were very happy to hear that as Mom has been scaring herself by reading up about puppy heart murmurs on forums over the internet. Some silly breeder in a forum thought that puppies with heart murmurs should be put down because they won't live a full life and will die young anyway. Hrrmmp!! *Growl* Stupid breeder probably sees $$$ signs in every litter.

Three cheers for Casper. Hip Hip Hooray! So Mom, does that mean I can take off my kiddy gloves and pick on Casper like the real MAN/DOG = MOG that he is???

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